Why purchase a reproduction?
Reproductions are easier to deal with. They are in perfect condition. And they can actually be displayed in your home or office. At a size that is just right for your space.
Originals are rare
The originals are extremely rare and are generally kept in museums or private collections, so they are difficult to purchase.
Originals are small
For example, vintage glass slides measure just 3.5"x4" (9x10cm) and can't be seen without a projector. They can't decorate your interior.
Our stunning enlargements overcome these limitations.
Originals are damaged
Time and the environment are not friendly to paper, glass and film.
We have digitally restored our images and use matte premium inkjet coating on white cotton archival paper for perfect reproduction of colors, detail and pictorial depth.
Note that to maintain the authenticity of the original, some imperfections like scratches and discoloration may still be visible.
Originals are fragile
Originals damage easily and are also sensitive to light and humidity. They must be kept in dark and stable environmental conditions in acid-free and lignin-free archival storage boxes.
Our archival prints can be freely displayed and have been designed to last for 100 to 200 years.